Remaining current in Breast Imaging just got easier. Meetings By Mail collaborates with Penn Radiology and Clinical Competence faculty to create the finest in Breast Imaging CME. Breast Imaging Essentials and Innovations, Current Concepts in Breast Imaging and Clinical Competence in Breast Imaging, Interventions and Management each offer a comprehensive, multimodality review of the latest in this subspecialty. Each course is worth between 17.75 and 25 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, and meets the MQSA CME Requirement. Additionally, Clinical Competence in Breast MR, vol. 2 is a 100 case review that meets the ACR CME requirement for facility accreditation in Breast MR. All of these courses can be used to meet Self Assessment CME Requirements for Maintenance of Certification. Take advantage of these discounts to meet all of your Breast Imaging CME requirements, while maximizing your education and savings!