Remaining current in Ultrasound just got easier. Meetings By Mail offers the the Cleveland Clinic Ultrasound Course, which is a diagnostic and procedural skills primer. This is complemented by the Vascular Imaging Educators Workshop, from the Society for Vascular Ultrasound 47th Annual Course. Take advantage of our combination discount to meet your CME requirements and maximize your savings!
The Cleveland Clinic Ultrasound Course: Integrating POCUS Into Your Practice will provide physicians, nurses and physician assistants with foundational skills and state-of-the-art techniques for diagnosis and guiding procedures for point of care ultrasound. More than 20 experts from Cleveland Clinic provide a didactic primer and workshops that will rapidly develop skills to maximize this increasingly important diagnostic and interventional tool. Worth 11.5 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, with ANCC and AAPA accreditation provided, as well. Also worth ABIM and ABA MOC!
The all new Vascular Imaging Educators Workshop (VIEW) provides a complete educational experience for all who utilize vascular ultrasound. Approximately 40 experts from the Society for Vascular Ultrasound 47th Annual Conference discuss the hottest topics and latest techniques involved in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular disease. Worth 16 AMA PRA Category I Credits™, VIEW MEETS VASCULAR LAB CME REQUIREMENTS FOR ACCREDITATION WITH NO POST TEST. Also applicable to the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification Program.